Thursday 25 August 2016

It has been a long time since I have done an entry. The geocaching has progressed to levels I never dreamed of. I have been to so many places and caches since March of 2014. Princess! and I went to New Brunswick, Quebec, Prince edward Island and on the way to Moncton, New Brunswick, drove about 40 KM's of our way to the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border to grab one cache.
On the Island, I have coverd many areas in search of the elusive caches. We have been doing some great hikes, 4 X 4, boat and mountain bikes. I have also traved to Washington and Oregon to find the first plaque cache. I have been to the Vancouver and area to do a lot of the dyke caches on mountain bikes, such a beautiful area and way to cache.
This fall and winter I have plans to do a lot of the Sooke hills and area. I suppose this depends on how much snow there is. In November, Princess! and I are going to my childhood home in Campbellton, New Brunswick to visit my Mom. My Dad passed three and a half months ago at almost 94 years, so time with Mom is even more important now. After a week with Mom in Campbellton, New Brunswick, we are off to Halifax, Nova Scotia for a week. I Joined the Navy in 1969 and was posted to Halifax after basic training and was on the HMCS Terra Nova. I was then transfered to Esquiltmalt on the HMCS Terra Nova in 1971 and remained out here till now. I t will be nice to see this city again but this time, geocaching is on the agenda.
My intention is to start up this blog once every two to three weeks going forward and after each big adventure or during the adventure.
My Geocaching finds are at 18,926 and my goal for the year has been to reach 20,000 finds.

On August 27/16, I have organized a fild trip for Cougar Kid and I. At 0600 hours we fly out of Nanaimo Airport for Calgary, renting a car and caching to Medicine Hat, remaining there  for 5 days caching all the Geo Art that has built up in this area. On the 6th day we will cache our way to Lethbridge for two days to cache some trails there as well as going to Montana if we can cross over with the rental car for a few trails in two small towns there. On the 8th day we will head back to Calgary, again caching along the way and then do the Flames Geo art and more if time permits.
I am having an event on August 28 to celebrate Couga Kid,s birthday.
and one in Lethbridge on September 02,

If anyone wishes to leave a birthday wish for Cougar Kid (AKA Bob), add a coment before the date and I will pass on your comments at the event.

This should be a great Geocaching Adventure for both of us, a much needed rest and our intention is to try and get about 200 caches a day.
I will blog each night about our days adventure and look forward to your comments.
Geocaching My way of Life  Paulboy


  1. Have fun and Happy Birthday Bob.

  2. Hope you have a great time looking forward to the stories
    say Happy Birthday to Cougar Kid from me

  3. Happy trails to you both and happy birthday to Cougar Kid... lots of pics please!
