Tuesday 30 August 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Adventure Day 4

Day four proved to a little differnt than the last three for sure. It all started out great as we finished the last 50 of the Search series in about an hour and then on to complete the Bear Series. It was just after noon when we finished the 150 on that series so we moved to a different area to do the Heart and maple Leaf Series. We stopped at Heart# 30, found the cache and stopped for lunch.
We had been warned about a silver truck and the driver was following cachers around and not happy about any one being on the roads, legal driving roads. Here is my log from the cache.
LOG-( We started off a little late today and off we went to finish off the Search series, last 50, then we went to complete the Bear head series and completed that just after noon. It was rather a nice day and we looked forward to another great day. We drove to start the Maple leaf and Heart series and were parked at https://coord.info/GC5WR5V, when a lady in a silver Dodge stopped and asked if we were picking those things, I said yes. She drove off and then returned 10 minutes later as we had not moved. We were enjoying lunch, she got out of her truck and had a cache in hand screaming and yelling things I can not post here, threatened bodily harm, said she called the police, when we said we would wait for them she went nuts on us, up in our face and after 5 minutes of yelling, screaming and would not listen to reason. She went to her truck yelling we were on private property and roads and she was going to get a few more pissed off farmers and bring them back. Her face was so red and she was vibrating, we thought she was going to stroke out. At this point we made a decision to move on and lose those 150 caches, now that pisses me off. Please be careful if you are caching that way, you may get run off the road or worst. Did I mention that we will cause fires and take food from her family. There are homes for people like that.
We then did a bunch of caches on the main road and in town bit.
All the caches we found were in good shape. The caches in town were great to find and thank you all for the great caches. We have one more day here and plan to make the best of it, I am a bigger person that one phys-co bitch muggle. Thanks for all the caches and the work it takes to place and maintain them.
Over all we got 177 caches today and maybe a few more tonight.
Geocaching My Way of Geocaching, Paulboy)
So off we went for fear of a gang of pissed off cowboys and a pissed off DB. We cached in town until supper time and did our logs for the day.
At the event last night we got asked if we would like to have a shot at doing a sort of night cache and I would never pass up a chance for a good cache. This cache is called Hand Trap" https://coord.info/GC3TBR5" Look this one up and watch the video. We both found it and it was the best cache I have found to date. The CO and BurgessDidz set it all for us. This was so much fun and being on a time limit is like a pressure cooker. Such a great job, great craftsmenship and attention to detail, flashing lights, music. What a great group of cachers we met last night. Well worth the trip here. I am now at 19,750 cache finds. Thanks for reading and more tomorrow of our last day here.
Geocaching My way of Life  Paulboy 


  1. Thanks for the warning about those 150 caches. It's so not worth the trouble.

  2. They are going to take them down for now until they can deal witht he problem.
