Tuesday 30 August 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Adventure Day 3

This morning was slightly different in that we did not hit the road until closer to 0730 and got our first cache at 0750 hours. Our goal was to complete the Jigsaw Power Trail of 253 caches. The weather was great and it promised to get to 28+ degrees.
It was Cougar kid's birthday today and he keeps telling me he is still young!
As were having breakfast, an older couple ( well they looked older) came into the small eating area and with the usual chit chat that travelers do at motels, began flowing. Then the question two men travelling what to here ":How long have you two been MARRIED". I guess because of Cougar Kid's moustache and my stud like body, I suppose I could see that. After setting them straight, we finished our breaky and hit the road for a day of gay caching.
The roads were long and dusty and the temp was rising. As Cougar Kid drove, I would jump out and run through the ditch to the fence line or post and grab the cache. A lot of the caches were pill bottles that were broken, wet logs and needed maintenance. There was a bit more traffic today but still fairly quite. At least most of the caches were on my side today.
Three deer ran in front of us on the road for a while and then jumped the fence and dissappeared in the rolling feilds. Not long after that, I got out of the car to get the next cache when I realized that the three calfs were not in the fenced fields and had got loose. You guessed it, they were standing at the cache but one hello and off they went down the fence line.
We finished the series by 1400 hours and moved along to the Search Power Trail and did 50 of those caches by 1600 hours. During the caching day we also pcked up a few other type caches along the way. The temp reach 30 at parts of the day, it was so hot on these flat lands. I must admit, we did see a tree!  
Now we drove back to the hotel to clean up and get our GPS ready for Day 4 and headed out for our event, "Cougar Kid's Birthday Event".
It was a new Boston Pizza in town. Eight cachers showed up, T.D.M.22, DSK11, Slapshot, Navy People, BurgressKidz and BoBear. It was great to meet everyone and wish Cougar Kid a happy birthday and got some inside info of the area and several of the cache CO's were there. We are going to do a night cache tomorrow that we found out about.
Out total finds for the day was 316 cache finds. It is time to hit the sach to rest my legs and get some much needed sleep.
This adventure is a great one and more caching will continue. Day three is now at a close and in the morning the start of Day 4 is sure to be another adventure. My number of cache finds are now at 19,572and our total finds for the first three days is 637. More tomorrow and happy dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Bob and congratulations to the two of you on your very special notmarried relationship.
