Tuesday 2 September 2014

On the Island Again

Once we arrived home from New Brunswick and settled in it was on to Vancouver Island caching again. Did a day of caching with Cougar Kid on the off road motorcycles up and around Mount Washington for a day, the weather was much better and the views were great this time up. Did a day trip up to the Carmanah Valley to do and old rail bed with 4 old train trestles from the very early 1900's. They removed the steel from the trestles so you have to hike up and down the valleys of sort. Most of them are in place so it is great for pictures but not walking on. I would recommend this area for anyone to see it's greatness and history as well. JuRuu and LifeAboveAll were with me on this trip.
Had my OAP-65 event on the 23 of August and about 80 cachers and friends attended in Ladysmith at Aggie Hall/Fields. We all had fun and a lot of good gag gifts. A great way to spend ones milestone birthday.
Our Sunday Caching Group has been doing some great hikes and day trips. On the 31st of August, we headed for Saturna Island. This was a long day trip, up at 0200 hours, picked up by JuRuu at 0300 hours, then we picked up Classictwo at 0315 hours and then off we went to pick up Sheesh695 about 0300 hours. I was already tired but we pushed on to the ferry terminal at Schwartz Ferry and arrived there at 0500 hours. Once on the ferry, we planned our course of action and away we went, we hiked for two hours across the ridge, then came back to the terminal area form a few caches and picked up Diraduck at 1005 hours, she sleeps in. We spent the day caching the whole Island, hiking, driving finding every cache on the Island, 67 in total. It was a grand day and I think the views were some of the most spectacular I have ever seen, this is a place cachers and non cachers should go for a day trip. We caught the 2135 hours ferry home and arrived back home at 0130 on Monday, a long great day.
Trying to reach 16,000 before December 31, 2014, but may be a little hard as the weather changes.
May be going to Mount Arrowsmith this coming Sunday and will post if we do go there..
Happy Caching and happy trails..
Geoaching My Way of Life Paulboy

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