Saturday 31 December 2016

Sheesh695 How to end a year of caching!

It was 0640 hours when Shees695 & MFF picked me up in Ladysmith for a day of caching in the Trent River area. We all piled into my Geomobile and off we went. The sky was full of stars and such a beautiful distance color. The drive up was great and chatting about our holidays and how we would approch our caching day. We arrived just before 0800 hours and noticed that there was a little snow on the ground, hard crusted and a bit of ice here and there. We got our kit together and set out staying on the trail/road to the east toward the power lines. A very cool morning it was.
The trail had hard crusted snow so the hiking was easy. We had to cross over two stream areas but that was no problem. Until we reached the power lines, there was only 6 caches. We managed to find three and had three DNF's. The ground was frozen where the caches were and it impossible to find them. We decided at the point we would continue but the possiblity of more DNF's was a certainty.
We now reached the power lines, turned east towards the river. The trail was not visible due to snow so we were on our way down to the opening, a flat area to see if we could find the trail.
It was at this point that Sheesh695 hooked her foot on a frozen branch in the snow/ice and bent her foot/leg the wrong way and down she went. She felt that she had broken her foot/ leg or both. As we started to try and help her, it became apparent the we could not move her and that she did break something.
As MFF had some mdical supplies, she lossen her shoe slightly and applied a tenson and hiking spats to the broken area. As she was laying on ice and movement was not possible, we covered her with a emg. blanket.
I called 911, relaying the info and Search and Rescue was alearted to our sisitution. They had our position via my phone and I informed them the quickest and fastest way to our position. This was around 1100 hours. But the info I had given was not relayed properly and SARS were not sure on how the best way was to get to us. They finally called me and almost 2 hours later, they arrived.
During this time, Sheesh695 was getting cold so we took off our jackets and touques to help keep her warm.
Then we started taking turns in cutting cedar branches to cover her up more. Each step we did helped in keeping her warm. We did try to lift her upper body to get some of the branches under her as the ice kept cooling her down.
Several hikers came by but had no supplies and they moved on. By the time the Search and Rescue arrived, we were begining to get a little cold as well but certainly nothing to worry about but would have been a different story if it was later in the day and the sun went down.

At this point, Search & Rescue took over and got her into a streacher and began to warm her up but we still had to wait for a different Quad in order to properly transport her to the Highway for a waiting ambulance. Once it arive about 15 minutes later, they got her in the Quad and we began the walkout as they had to move slower that a walking pace. Over all it took about 3 1/2 hours from the time I called 911.

We followed the ambulance to the Comox hospital and after about an hour she had xrays, drugs (not sure what came first) and it was confirmed that she had a serious break and surgary was required. They decided that they would either send her to Campbell River or Duncan via ambulance so MFF and I began our drive back to Ladysmith.

Now for ther fun part, we were at Qualicum beach turn off when we got a call asking that we come back to get her and bring her home for surgary in the morning, They had put on a plastic type cast, more meds, so we turned around and back to Comox.
She was certainly in good spirts on the way home a but a little mad at having broken some bones.  

I guess there are some lessons to learn from this, proper first aid supplies, extra to keep you warm in the cold times. Hiking alone would have been a very serious problem in the snow and cold season. We were lucky that we had cell reception other wise one of would have had to go for help once we got her stable and warm. But in the end, all is good for now and I will inform you of her results once I know.
Safe caching. Geocaching My Way of Life  Paulboy

Sunday 13 November 2016

Hiking and travel

Over the past few months Landchatch, Islander54 and I have been doing sections of the Juan de Fuca Trail system, mostly in the rain. These trails are wonderful and some spots were certainly not for the faint of heart. On some of of our hikes we parked the car, hiked to the trail and back to the parked car for a distance of 15 to 21KM's depending on what day. We have now completed about 2/3 of the trail and look forward of completing the rest of the trail in the spring.
We also hiked some of the Alberni Inlet trail three weeks ago and did a total of 19.2 KM's that day. The weather was a little damp in the morning but it cleared up and in late morning the sun started to show it's face. Some of the was trail was a little muddy and will certainly hinder our efforts to finish it off until late spring. The views were breath taking and would recommend this trail system for everyone to try out, keeping in mind that some parts are a difficultly of 4.
On November 4, Princess! and I flew to Campbellton NB to visit family and have been doing caching on some of the trails in Campbellton NB and Cross Point in Quebec. The weather was certainly cold, reaching 0. The caching is a lot different, not only weather wise but their way of hiding and type of containers the use. After 7 days in this area we moved on the Moncton NB for one night, caching along the way and then drove to Halifax, NS today and did one cache on the trip. We did a few caches in Halifax this afternoon. We pland to do some tourist things, visit a few old friends and do caching as much as possible. My goal is to find the first cache in Canada which is about 30 minutes from my hotel. I will write a short blog once I find the oldest cache. Paulboy

Sunday 2 October 2016

2nd trip to the Juan de Fuca Trail

On October 01, 2016, Landchatch and I arrived at our start point for the Juan de Fuca Trail to continue on our quest of completing the trail. The weather was good and it was not raining to start with. It was near 0800 hours when we started down and our first caches was, which is an earth cache. The trail down was good and we hiked in to complete 7 caches ending up at Chin 2 China 4. The trails were not too bad in this section except one small area of mud. We then hiked back up to the truck and and moved the truck down the highway about 2.5 KM's and proceeded down to get back on the trail as well as doing the caches on the way down. This way down took us on a old logging road and then to a goat trail to the beach, this was very steep and one would have to be very careful on this section.
We hiked the trail to Plantman_Geocache #7. The trail over this section was extreamly muddy in sections and can see this being very difficult in the winter months as the rains build as it does in this area. From here we decided to take the trail up to the road doing the two caches along the way. The trail up was in good shape and we ended up on the highway 1.1 KM's from the truck, so it was a lot better than two weeks ago where it was 6.5 KM's back.
Our total hike was 19 KM's, 18 of them on the trails. The views were wonderful and we saw 5 people running the trail and 4 women hiking the trails. We did get some rain a few time through the day but over all it was a great day weather wise.
I bought a pair of Solomon Quest boots at MEC in Victoria and for the first time in a long time, my feet were completely dry. I would recommond these for any kind of hiking. The cost with taxes was about $300.00. We have one more section to do on the Juan de Fuca trail left and plan to complete it in the near future or when the weather will allow. At least that is our goal but it may take us two more visits to this area to complete it. What a wonderful area with great caches.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Juan de Fuca Trail and area

On Sat. Sept. 10th, Landchatch and I stared to do most of the caches between Sooke and China Beach Parking site, along the water side. It was a wonderful day both weather wise and in our search of those caches that took us up and down the trails to the beaches.
We started out at 0600 ours in Ladysmith and drove to China Beach via the Island highway. In our quest for the day, we managed to find 35 caches with 4 DNF's. We started at China Beack and cached towards Sooke doing a few caches in Sooke before heading home at 1800 hours. It was a long day and we hike well over 15 km,s.
It is our quest to do all of the Juan de Fuca Trail over the next few months depending the weather.
On Sat. Sept. 17th, we decided to start the trail at China Beach and again left ladysmith at 0600 hours and headed for the parking area via the Sooke way. We arrived just before 0800 hours as we stopped for one cache that we had a DNF on last Sat. and searched until we found it, great way to start off the day. We parked about 350 meters on the road near a bridge past the China Beach parking and it saved us a bit of  hike. The weather was overcast with a lot of fog and rain but still a nice day. As we started out on the trail, 10 woman hikers were coming from hiking the trail and camping. The 11 km hike took us a little over 4 hours to get back to the road and then had to hike back to the truck took over an hour on the road as we only had one truck this time. The hike back to the truck was a little over 7 KM's. We encountered another 8 hikers/campers along the way.
The trails were in good shape and mostly dry and not too many puddles. The views were wonderful but the fog and rain did limit some of the views of the wonderful area we were in. I can see this trail getting a little tough as the rains become more frequent over the winter. We managed to find the nine caches along this portion of the trail, and two of them had DNF's from the last cachers here.
Our quest is to start where we left of in a few weeks and do another section of the trail and hopefully we can get a few more cachers in order to do a longer section.
I will be adding some photos later on to show the area for you.
After our lunch we started for home heading towards Port Renfrew and out to Lake Cowichan caching along the way finding another 7 caches. This brought our total to 17 cache finds for the day and so happy to get some of the trail done. Geocaching My Way of Life  Paulboy

Sunday 4 September 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Geocaching Adventure Day # 8

This has been a great trip overall, Our adventure has taken us from Calgary to Medcine Hat, down to Montana,  to Lethbridge and back to Calgary for our last day of caching.
Today we did most of the Flames Geo-Art but it was a tough go as a lot of the caches were in need of repairs, many DNF,s and all the caches were little nanos stuck in the ground. One short section we could not drive with our suv. Not what we expected when we got here but not the less we did most of them.
The second section we did was the Dog Pound and it was great series. All the caches were fake rocks with a tube in them and they were all in good shape and dry. We managed to get145 caches today before 1600 hours and heading back to the hotel about an hour away.
In total we travelled over 1000 KM, found about 1300 caches, had two events and got to find/do an amazing cache that was set up for us in Lethbridge. Cougar Kid did all the driving and I did all the runing from the car through the tall grasses avoiding gofer holes. Never did see any rattle snakes and that was a good thing.
This evening we had supper with my good friend, John & Lisa and also my cousin John and his wife Shelley drove from Red Deer to join us.So nice to see everyone.
All that is left is to fly home in a few hours. hope you enjoyed our adventure and thanks for following. Geocahing My Way of Life  Paulboy

Friday 2 September 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Geocaching Adventure # Day 7

This is day seven of the adventure and what a ride it has been. We started early this morning and did almost all urban caches in the Lethbridge area. The weather was not as hot as it has been but none the less warm. We even did a few short hikes in parks around town. We managed to find 85 caches in eirht hours.
We had our second travel event at Pizza Hut and ten cachers showed up, even one from medcine Hat.
We are getting ready for the last day doing PQ updates and trying to get the maxium caches we can on our last day. Also having supper with my old friends John & Lisa and my cousin John and his wife Shelley who are coming from Red Deer tomorrow night. So it is a close for this day and will post our last day tomorrow night with a wrap up on Sunday.
My cache find are now at a new level. My goal for the year was 20,000 and today I made the find. Have a great night.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Geocachng Adventure Day 6

Well it was time to say goodbye to Medcine Hat and after a breakfast at the hotel, we set our sights for the Canada/USA border to Montana about 0600 hours. We cached along the way finding about 15 roadside caches. We arrived at the border about 1130 hours and had lunch before crossing into more desert. We cached about 5 hours plus driving and managed to find about 125 USA caches. We were driving through more range roads in a 35+ degree weather and it was some hot running back and forth from the car to the fence line. I think I lost another 5 pounds. We saw a few wild animals and not many humans. We had a chat with a few farmers and they were a lot nicer than the physo bitch we ran into a few days ago. At 1700 hours and still well over 1 1/2 hours of driving to get to the hotel, we called it a day and our day is now over. We will cache the city tomorrow and have our event that evening. Off to bed now as a little tired..My finds to date are 19,974, only 26 to go for 20,000.
Geocaching My Way of Life  Paulboy

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Adventure Day 5

This is day 5 of of 8 and we have now found a total of 995 caches. Today was all city drive ups and a few small drive up side roads  Our total today was 95 caches. The temp was at 40 C at one point so lots of water again today. Some of the caches today were a bit tricky but managed to find most of them. After 5 day in Medicine Hat, most of which was great, it is time to move on to Lethbridge early in the morning caching along the way and going to Montana to grab a hundred caches or so.
We had a great supper tonight and now to clean up, pack and get ready for another great day. I am sure I will have a lot more to write tomorrow as we wiil be in so many different places.
My cache finds are now at 19,839, only 161 from 20,000. I suppose it will be Friday before I get to that number..More to come tomorrow..Geocaching My Way of Life  Paulboy

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Adventure Day 4

Day four proved to a little differnt than the last three for sure. It all started out great as we finished the last 50 of the Search series in about an hour and then on to complete the Bear Series. It was just after noon when we finished the 150 on that series so we moved to a different area to do the Heart and maple Leaf Series. We stopped at Heart# 30, found the cache and stopped for lunch.
We had been warned about a silver truck and the driver was following cachers around and not happy about any one being on the roads, legal driving roads. Here is my log from the cache.
LOG-( We started off a little late today and off we went to finish off the Search series, last 50, then we went to complete the Bear head series and completed that just after noon. It was rather a nice day and we looked forward to another great day. We drove to start the Maple leaf and Heart series and were parked at, when a lady in a silver Dodge stopped and asked if we were picking those things, I said yes. She drove off and then returned 10 minutes later as we had not moved. We were enjoying lunch, she got out of her truck and had a cache in hand screaming and yelling things I can not post here, threatened bodily harm, said she called the police, when we said we would wait for them she went nuts on us, up in our face and after 5 minutes of yelling, screaming and would not listen to reason. She went to her truck yelling we were on private property and roads and she was going to get a few more pissed off farmers and bring them back. Her face was so red and she was vibrating, we thought she was going to stroke out. At this point we made a decision to move on and lose those 150 caches, now that pisses me off. Please be careful if you are caching that way, you may get run off the road or worst. Did I mention that we will cause fires and take food from her family. There are homes for people like that.
We then did a bunch of caches on the main road and in town bit.
All the caches we found were in good shape. The caches in town were great to find and thank you all for the great caches. We have one more day here and plan to make the best of it, I am a bigger person that one phys-co bitch muggle. Thanks for all the caches and the work it takes to place and maintain them.
Over all we got 177 caches today and maybe a few more tonight.
Geocaching My Way of Geocaching, Paulboy)
So off we went for fear of a gang of pissed off cowboys and a pissed off DB. We cached in town until supper time and did our logs for the day.
At the event last night we got asked if we would like to have a shot at doing a sort of night cache and I would never pass up a chance for a good cache. This cache is called Hand Trap"" Look this one up and watch the video. We both found it and it was the best cache I have found to date. The CO and BurgessDidz set it all for us. This was so much fun and being on a time limit is like a pressure cooker. Such a great job, great craftsmenship and attention to detail, flashing lights, music. What a great group of cachers we met last night. Well worth the trip here. I am now at 19,750 cache finds. Thanks for reading and more tomorrow of our last day here.
Geocaching My way of Life  Paulboy 

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Adventure Day 3

This morning was slightly different in that we did not hit the road until closer to 0730 and got our first cache at 0750 hours. Our goal was to complete the Jigsaw Power Trail of 253 caches. The weather was great and it promised to get to 28+ degrees.
It was Cougar kid's birthday today and he keeps telling me he is still young!
As were having breakfast, an older couple ( well they looked older) came into the small eating area and with the usual chit chat that travelers do at motels, began flowing. Then the question two men travelling what to here ":How long have you two been MARRIED". I guess because of Cougar Kid's moustache and my stud like body, I suppose I could see that. After setting them straight, we finished our breaky and hit the road for a day of gay caching.
The roads were long and dusty and the temp was rising. As Cougar Kid drove, I would jump out and run through the ditch to the fence line or post and grab the cache. A lot of the caches were pill bottles that were broken, wet logs and needed maintenance. There was a bit more traffic today but still fairly quite. At least most of the caches were on my side today.
Three deer ran in front of us on the road for a while and then jumped the fence and dissappeared in the rolling feilds. Not long after that, I got out of the car to get the next cache when I realized that the three calfs were not in the fenced fields and had got loose. You guessed it, they were standing at the cache but one hello and off they went down the fence line.
We finished the series by 1400 hours and moved along to the Search Power Trail and did 50 of those caches by 1600 hours. During the caching day we also pcked up a few other type caches along the way. The temp reach 30 at parts of the day, it was so hot on these flat lands. I must admit, we did see a tree!  
Now we drove back to the hotel to clean up and get our GPS ready for Day 4 and headed out for our event, "Cougar Kid's Birthday Event".
It was a new Boston Pizza in town. Eight cachers showed up, T.D.M.22, DSK11, Slapshot, Navy People, BurgressKidz and BoBear. It was great to meet everyone and wish Cougar Kid a happy birthday and got some inside info of the area and several of the cache CO's were there. We are going to do a night cache tomorrow that we found out about.
Out total finds for the day was 316 cache finds. It is time to hit the sach to rest my legs and get some much needed sleep.
This adventure is a great one and more caching will continue. Day three is now at a close and in the morning the start of Day 4 is sure to be another adventure. My number of cache finds are now at 19,572and our total finds for the first three days is 637. More tomorrow and happy dreams.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Paulboy & Cougar kid's Adventure Day 2

Another day on the range, well a great day on the range, after our 0600 hours breaky at the Motel, gassed up got some ice and goodie and we were off to start our first power trail.
As we have no cooler, I did bring a few garabage bags and we got a box, lined it with the garbage bags and instance cooler for water and Cougar Kids frozen apple.
We drove to our first cache and found our first one @ 0650 hours, Cougar Kid is drive but not wake yet. We could see rain in the distance but we were saved! We managed to find our first 100 caches in two hours and 45 minutes. I am doing all the running, half of them on my side of the road and the rest on the other side of the road. At least there are no hills but did get lost a few times the tall grass. That is a lot of fence post to run to and back. The roads are all gravel but the best I have ever seen, not to much dust. We encountered no wild live, except cows for some reason, What is up with all the cows around here? We only saw two trucks all day and no people. Then there was the BUGS, a few times they had carried Cougar Kid out of the car and were fighting with them. The inside of the car is all red from dead bugs we had to kill.
We had a quick break for lunch and back on the raod for another power trail before going to supper at 1830 hours then a few local town caches around the motel before setting in for the night. After logging in all the caches, it looks like we found 267 caches in total with 3 DNFs. What a great day. I have now reached my 19,000 cache find and my total today is 19,256 cache finds.
It is time to clean up and hit the sac, big day tomorrow, it is Cougar Kid's birthday and we have an event at 1930 hours and we will be doing a another power trail that has 265 caches. We hope to break the 300 mark tomorrow but time will tell.
My last thing to do before bed is tuck Cougar Kid in and read him a bed time story to help him sleep. More to come tomorrow. Paulboy

Saturday 27 August 2016

Paulboy & Cougar Kid's Adventure- Day 1

We got up pretty early and our wives drove us to the aiport in Nanaimo to catch the 0600 flight to Calgary, great flight and picked up the car ( Volvo XC60 SUV) , now this is a car. WOW. By the time we got everyting settled, stopped at Timmie's,  it was 1002 hours before we got our first cache. The weather was great, not too sunny but warm. We cached along HWY 1 towards Medicine Hat until  about 1800 hours. None of the caches stood out too much except for one and a lot of them were in need of maintence. The terran was very dry and it was easy to pick up the caches along the fence line. The drive was great and as most of you know flat. We managed to do the Geo Art 31 for the 31 days of August, it did not take long on these great country dirt roads.
We are now settled in for the night after supper at Joey's Only, love those fish taco's. We have logged in all our caches for today and getting ready to settle down for the night, big day tomorrow. We will start at 0600 hours and have a little catching up to do now, We are now short 144 caches to complete our 200+ a day. More to come tomorrow night, look forward to any and all comments. Paulboy

Thursday 25 August 2016

It has been a long time since I have done an entry. The geocaching has progressed to levels I never dreamed of. I have been to so many places and caches since March of 2014. Princess! and I went to New Brunswick, Quebec, Prince edward Island and on the way to Moncton, New Brunswick, drove about 40 KM's of our way to the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border to grab one cache.
On the Island, I have coverd many areas in search of the elusive caches. We have been doing some great hikes, 4 X 4, boat and mountain bikes. I have also traved to Washington and Oregon to find the first plaque cache. I have been to the Vancouver and area to do a lot of the dyke caches on mountain bikes, such a beautiful area and way to cache.
This fall and winter I have plans to do a lot of the Sooke hills and area. I suppose this depends on how much snow there is. In November, Princess! and I are going to my childhood home in Campbellton, New Brunswick to visit my Mom. My Dad passed three and a half months ago at almost 94 years, so time with Mom is even more important now. After a week with Mom in Campbellton, New Brunswick, we are off to Halifax, Nova Scotia for a week. I Joined the Navy in 1969 and was posted to Halifax after basic training and was on the HMCS Terra Nova. I was then transfered to Esquiltmalt on the HMCS Terra Nova in 1971 and remained out here till now. I t will be nice to see this city again but this time, geocaching is on the agenda.
My intention is to start up this blog once every two to three weeks going forward and after each big adventure or during the adventure.
My Geocaching finds are at 18,926 and my goal for the year has been to reach 20,000 finds.

On August 27/16, I have organized a fild trip for Cougar Kid and I. At 0600 hours we fly out of Nanaimo Airport for Calgary, renting a car and caching to Medicine Hat, remaining there  for 5 days caching all the Geo Art that has built up in this area. On the 6th day we will cache our way to Lethbridge for two days to cache some trails there as well as going to Montana if we can cross over with the rental car for a few trails in two small towns there. On the 8th day we will head back to Calgary, again caching along the way and then do the Flames Geo art and more if time permits.
I am having an event on August 28 to celebrate Couga Kid,s birthday.
and one in Lethbridge on September 02,

If anyone wishes to leave a birthday wish for Cougar Kid (AKA Bob), add a coment before the date and I will pass on your comments at the event.

This should be a great Geocaching Adventure for both of us, a much needed rest and our intention is to try and get about 200 caches a day.
I will blog each night about our days adventure and look forward to your comments.
Geocaching My way of Life  Paulboy