Wednesday 26 February 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday

Tuesday: Well it was a 5 am start today doing some off road in the desert this Tuesday. We did about 300 caches but mega driving and even more hiking in the desert. It was a long and tiring day for all. It was about 30 C most of the day.A few tans if you can call it that. Met up with two cachers from Quebec. Lost my passport so this should be fun getting home. We had our second event last night and it was a blast. About 25 cachers showed up. A father and son caching team are going to join us for the day tomorrow. It was off to bed early so we can get an early start.

Wednesday: We got up at 0330 hours and headed over to Denny's for a 4 am breaky . We got sandwiches made up and off we went to do the HMD series which has 1000 caches plus a few others along the way. We managed to get over 1050 caches. We said our good byes our American friends and  we arrived in 29 Palms about 1900 hours. After checking in, supper was needed and off we went.
It was a very long day with a lot if miles. It was about 24 c and a few clouds but still hot. The roads were all paved but the pull outs were so soft, like quick sand. The van is getting very dirty from all the sand and dust.
I think it is much different from last year but still having fun. I think we are getting close to 2600 caches so far.
Tomorrow we are off to Barstow for two days and our final event. More to follow tomorrow night.


  1. Sounds like fun..hope you find your passport Paul

  2. Yikes on the passport loss! Weather sounds great!
