Saturday 22 February 2014

Day One

Well we were up at 0315, got everyone in the Vans and off we went to Tonapath which is about a 4 hour drive north of Vegas. We stopped in Alomo for breakfast  and a short break. Once we arrived at the first cache, away we went and managed to get about 420 caches in 4 hours. The roads were a little rough in some spots but all was well. As there is no gas any where near here, we had to drive about 200 Km to get gas and return to Racheal for the night. We saw so many antelope, wild horses and a few critters as well as a lot of birds of prey. The scenery was out of this world and we went to a town of 9 people and Dirty Dicks Bar in Belmont. What a place in history this was. Even had hitching posts. They also had this grave yard that was out of this world, LOL, some of the grave stones were back in the early 1800. Lots of laughs and even a little gas. Everyone is on their lap tops getting things in order and doing our GPS loaded for tomorrow morning. We had a great supper here and another place in history that we stayed at last year.
More to follow tomorrow.Ggeocaching My way of Life  Paulboy


  1. Sounds like a great day!! Wished I was there to see all the wildlife but I'm glad I missed the gassy parts. LOL Hope you are finding lots of caches!! Have fun and be safe!

  2. Hi Janie, had a great week but we are now stuck at the airport for over 7 hours and it looks like a longer delay now. May not event make it to the island tonight. Not a happy camper..
