Thursday 27 February 2014


Had a later start today and after breaky, it was a 90 minute drive to start the planes, trains & automobiles
power trail. So it was 1025 start and we finished by 5pm. It was a little cloudy today but still very warm and a large sand storm in the morning but it settled down by the time we started caching. All the roads were all derivable and we encountered no problems. The caches were mostly pill bottles with a few rocket launcher & ammo cans. We had a lot of laughs today and so much fun. I think we got about 500 plus caches today.
We are drinking a lot of water as a lot of the caches are 200 to 300 meters off the road.
We went to a great restaurant tonight and almost pissed ourselves laughing. I think I have told every American I have met, including three Police Officers that we have won the gold in both men and women hockey..  Today had special meaning to it as I found my  PASSPORT in the van, in a placed we looked many times, at least i can get home to my beautiful wife!!
JuRuu and I went for a short walk after supper to get some fresh air and grab one local cache in the dark up a very steep hill. It was tribute to a cachers daughter who died at nine years old. it was the last cache they placed together. A nice short walk but a sad story.
Well, time to head to bed as we are starting at 0500 hours to hike the peace sign & RV Geo Art. We want a very early start to avoid the hot sun.. Happy caching and more tomorrow.  Paulboy


  1. I lost your slip of paper with your blog address on it so I'm tuning in a bit later. So how can a guy find over 1000 caches in a day but not find his passport? LOL! It looks like you are all having a great time and are on your way to getting your quota of caches. Cache On!!

    1. It does seem like a GF but in the end it was found, what a dumb shit I am sometimes. It got shoved under the cofee holde in a cubby hole. I was looking for a pen three days later and it fell into my hands from the crack in the plastic between the cup holders. happy cacher after that..LOL

  2. Finding passport was best find of the day!
