Thursday 27 February 2014


Had a later start today and after breaky, it was a 90 minute drive to start the planes, trains & automobiles
power trail. So it was 1025 start and we finished by 5pm. It was a little cloudy today but still very warm and a large sand storm in the morning but it settled down by the time we started caching. All the roads were all derivable and we encountered no problems. The caches were mostly pill bottles with a few rocket launcher & ammo cans. We had a lot of laughs today and so much fun. I think we got about 500 plus caches today.
We are drinking a lot of water as a lot of the caches are 200 to 300 meters off the road.
We went to a great restaurant tonight and almost pissed ourselves laughing. I think I have told every American I have met, including three Police Officers that we have won the gold in both men and women hockey..  Today had special meaning to it as I found my  PASSPORT in the van, in a placed we looked many times, at least i can get home to my beautiful wife!!
JuRuu and I went for a short walk after supper to get some fresh air and grab one local cache in the dark up a very steep hill. It was tribute to a cachers daughter who died at nine years old. it was the last cache they placed together. A nice short walk but a sad story.
Well, time to head to bed as we are starting at 0500 hours to hike the peace sign & RV Geo Art. We want a very early start to avoid the hot sun.. Happy caching and more tomorrow.  Paulboy

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday

Tuesday: Well it was a 5 am start today doing some off road in the desert this Tuesday. We did about 300 caches but mega driving and even more hiking in the desert. It was a long and tiring day for all. It was about 30 C most of the day.A few tans if you can call it that. Met up with two cachers from Quebec. Lost my passport so this should be fun getting home. We had our second event last night and it was a blast. About 25 cachers showed up. A father and son caching team are going to join us for the day tomorrow. It was off to bed early so we can get an early start.

Wednesday: We got up at 0330 hours and headed over to Denny's for a 4 am breaky . We got sandwiches made up and off we went to do the HMD series which has 1000 caches plus a few others along the way. We managed to get over 1050 caches. We said our good byes our American friends and  we arrived in 29 Palms about 1900 hours. After checking in, supper was needed and off we went.
It was a very long day with a lot if miles. It was about 24 c and a few clouds but still hot. The roads were all paved but the pull outs were so soft, like quick sand. The van is getting very dirty from all the sand and dust.
I think it is much different from last year but still having fun. I think we are getting close to 2600 caches so far.
Tomorrow we are off to Barstow for two days and our final event. More to follow tomorrow night.

Monday 24 February 2014

Searchlight, NV

I had no internet last night so this is a two day update. On Sunday we were in Rachel doing some small power trails on the way back to Vegas. We managed to get about 250 caches. It was a long day but a fun day and a long drive back to Vegas. We all went out for dinner at our hotel and a few more laughs. Then it was off to bed for a five am start.
Today we headed for Searchlight, NV, about an hour out of Vegas and started the Eldorado series and the Grampa series. This was a great series with a lot of soft sand driving. We spoke to a police officer about the back roads early this morning about the off road conditions and I informed him that we won the gold in hockey. A few laughs on this one. About 3 in the after noon, we were about 8 KM's on a off road and we saw a young man and his dog hiking. We stopped to ask him about this road we were on and he had a police cap on. Once I told him we were Canadian and geocaching, he said, you met my partner this morning and I know you won the gold in Hockey..So funny. One of the group, a female, thought that the young police officer was worth getting a speeding ticket for.We managed to find about 600+ caches today. What a great day. When we arrived back to the hotel we went out to supper at the local small casino and a laugh session followed for a few hours.  We were told by the locals in the casino that we were the most fun they have had in a long time.We are all going to sleep good tonight again.
This type of caching is not for everyone, but we are loving it. Thanks for following us and please leave a comment..Happy caching and more tomorrow. Paulboy and the 8-IC

Saturday 22 February 2014

Day One

Well we were up at 0315, got everyone in the Vans and off we went to Tonapath which is about a 4 hour drive north of Vegas. We stopped in Alomo for breakfast  and a short break. Once we arrived at the first cache, away we went and managed to get about 420 caches in 4 hours. The roads were a little rough in some spots but all was well. As there is no gas any where near here, we had to drive about 200 Km to get gas and return to Racheal for the night. We saw so many antelope, wild horses and a few critters as well as a lot of birds of prey. The scenery was out of this world and we went to a town of 9 people and Dirty Dicks Bar in Belmont. What a place in history this was. Even had hitching posts. They also had this grave yard that was out of this world, LOL, some of the grave stones were back in the early 1800. Lots of laughs and even a little gas. Everyone is on their lap tops getting things in order and doing our GPS loaded for tomorrow morning. We had a great supper here and another place in history that we stayed at last year.
More to follow tomorrow.Ggeocaching My way of Life  Paulboy

Friday 21 February 2014


We left Bellingham on the 0800 flight for Vegas and it was a great flight. We arrived about 1015 and got one of the cars, checked into our hotel and picked our other two cachers that arrived the day before. Off we went caching for a while around the ULV and then had to pick up the 2nd car. Time goes by so fast. About 1900 hours we all arrived for the event and we had about 30 cachers from all over the place. Had some great chats and stories. Not a whole lot today as we began our adventure at 0400 hours tomorrow on our way to start the 2001 to 2400 ET HWY  caches. We will end up in Rachael  tomorrow night and will let you all know how are day went. Geocaching My Way of Life  paulboy

Here we go

As we were about to start our adventure, a sad phone call from Classictwo and her husband is not doing to well and was admitted to the hospital so she had to cancel. We would like to dedicate this trip to Doug and a speedy recovery. All the best my friend.
We started by meeting in two different groups, Sheesh695 & myself went to the ferry to await for Cougar Kid, JuRuu & crkayker. I was driving Sheesh695's car so as we waited for the other three I left the lights on and once the other three arrived, the battery was dead. So we got a boost and on to the ferry. We arrived at the hotel before 1900 hours. Cougar Kid and JuRuu went for something to eat and the rest of us went caching in the dark. We just had to and we managed to find 10 caches before heading back to the hotel. A great start and we have not even arrived in Vegas. Bornwild62 & Losthiker are already in Vegas and we will meet up with them today about 1230 hours. My GPS fell under the seat on the way back to the hotel so that was fun trying to find!! Just adds to the fun.
We catch our flight at 0800 hours this morning but I cannot sleep, not sure if it is snoring or excitement!!
I will do another post after our event in Vegas tonight. Geocaching My Way of Life..Paulboy

Thursday 20 February 2014

It is Thursday Feb. 20th and Bornwild62 and Losthiker are now on a plane to Vegas to await the other 6 cachers to arive tomorrow morning. The 6 of us are catching the 315 ferry to the mainland today and a quick drive to Bellingham. Wa for our overnight stay and catch our flight tomorrow morning to Vegas.
We may even get a few caches tonight in Bellingham?? More to follow tonight..Paulboy

Sunday 16 February 2014


The new caching adventure is about to start in four days. This morning we had our last meeting and breakfast at my place and then it was off to our 8-IC send off event in Ladysmith. Over 40 cachers showed up to join us for something to eat and a few prizes. It was a great time with a lot of laughs. Thanks to everyone for coming to our send off. On Thursday we are heading to Bellingham and then off to Vegas on Friday morning.
Will keep you updated daily.

Saturday 8 February 2014

It is time to get back to this blog. Last year was a great year for caching and have met some wonderful cachers and so many no cachers on Vancouver Island this past year. I managed to get over 5700 caches last year bring my cache finds to over 11,000. This year I have been asked to join a Sunday Caching Group that is on a mission to find most if not all the old Team KFWB caches. A lot of them are archived but still in place and many have been adopted.
I have put a new team together this year for another trip to Vegas and beyond which we start on Feb 21st. The team consists of myself, Paulboy, Cougar Kid, JuRuu, Sheesh695, Classictwo, crkayaker, Bornwild and Losthiker123. Some of the crew from last year could not make it this trip.
We intend to start off doing the new addition to the ET HWY as another 400 caches have been added and many other power trails in California, Arizona and Nevada.
Six of us are flying out of the USA and two of the team are going down a few days early to do some sight seeing in Vegas. I will be doing a daily blog for those that wish to follow our adventure and comment if you so desire.
This Sunday, Feb. 16th, we are having our send off event in Ladysmith at Ricky's restaurant  at 1300 hours and you can sign in at GC4TPGO.
Stay tuned for more blogs as we move forward.