Wednesday 6 February 2013

The CIA have landed

It is Tuesday and we have all arrived in good order. Once we picked up the vans and all the members arrived, off we went shopping for supplies and then to the event. The event was a hugh turn out, some from Ontario, and all over the states. Clay4 attended with his ET coins and we gave him a CIA T-shirt. What a blast we had. After the event JuRuu, bigbluemarble and crkakyer went out to do a few caches until after 11pm. It was great to walk around in our T-shirts caching.
We are getting ready to leave for the ETH at 0600 and the start of our adventure..Paulboy


  1. Paulboy's sis here,

    Cacing in your t-shirts eh!! The windchill remains in the mid to high -30's. Received my 300th in Carleton Quebec. -32 windchill up in a tower out on a point. Beat that you Los Vegas Weenies!! LOL

  2. Good luck guys!
    Looking forward to hearing the stories!
    -Mr. Wilson
