Friday 8 February 2013

I had a dream

Friday February 08, 2013
Let me tell you about today, it started at 0600 and we all jumped into the vans and off to breakfast we went but nothing open here at 0600 hours. As we had to gas up we went to the local gas bar where we were offered breakfast cooked by the gas jockey. The out come was better that we though but those that drank coffee were not impressed..
Once we gassed up, off we went to finish off the ETH. We figured we would be about 7 hours as long as all went as planned. The extreme snow warning was issued but we are cachers and a little snow has never stopped us. It ended up being about -10 in the morning and went to the 0 mark through out the day but it snowed at times with heavy winds.. Todays Adventure took us about 300Km's and it was a lot slower than we expected because of the cold and the long distance of travel between some of the roads. On a few of them we had to back track 38 KM's to continue on.
Over all it was a great day with so many laughs and so much fun as the CIA team is really coming together as it should on a great trip like this.
Lots of videos and pictures were taken and there will be a lot of them posted later on when we get home. It has been to hard to log the cache finds as we go along so that is our next big job once we are home as well.
Today brought us only 590 cache finds but we did expect that as it was much slower and the best ever came to be, I had a dream and it came true today. The ET Highway is now complete by Team CIA!!!
We took some great pictures and lots of hugging and cheering, yelling and we all signed the log.
What a great felling it was. In total we have managed to grab 2105 caches in three days, man is that going to be hard to beat next time I go caching for three days. As both other days, many personal records have been broken.
The trip today took us 11 hours in total and on the way back to town it was again way below 0 and heavy winds and snowing like New Brunswick! Our plans may have to be put on hold in the morning if it continues as there is 2 inches of snow on the ground now.
If the roads are good we plan on heading to Rachael to do the ET Head and ET Space ship as well as others.
I will post a new blog tomorrow night if we do not get taken to the mother ship by tractor beam!
Congrats to my little Sis (Indynb) for getting her 300 cache find in NB!
There is a video for you to watch.
Geocaching My Way of Life..Paulboy

watch this video

1 comment:

  1. We also saw a lot of wild life while out caching today. Quite a number of wild horses, the occational Jack Rabbit, at least one coyote, a pair of owls that were hunting, and last but not least, a roadrunner....Beep Beep.
