Tuesday 12 February 2013

The final is near

Tuesday Feb. 12, 2013

After 5 long days and about 2500 cach finds and many many Km's on the road and many Km's of hiking we had arrived back in Vegas. It was an experience that we will all remember for ever. We visited many hotels, resturants and out of the way places. We encounter rain, snow, sun shine and heavy winds while driving and hiking. Our days were long and we went until exhaustion set in yet we laughed all the time. In the resturants we laughed so hard and long.
What a great group of people to spend 6 days cching with in this wondeerful place. We also bumped into a few cachers but not too many. Always nice to see other cachers while on the road.
This brought us to day 5 and after cleaning out the vans at a car wash that evening and a quick supper it was off to bed as we had to get up at 0345 hours for a 0400 hours start to California to start the Route 66. Three members of the team opted out so they could take in the sights of Vegas. So Postie Bear, Just Leafy and Shadowcaster enjoyed the day in Vegas.
The rest of the team all met, Paulboy, Cougar Kid, bigbluemarble, crkayker, JuRuu and seekandsail headed of to Califorina and arrived two hours later at the Bagdad Cafe. What can I say about this place, WOW,a whole different place but certainly fun and the food was great. A whole different place that goes way back in time. Really enjoyed all the old trivia and the people.
So we started out doing the Route 66 about 0740 hours and off went. We managed to find all the caches and only had one minor problem. JurRu turned over a rock to find a small radle snake coiled around the cache container. We took some pictures before helping it on it's way as we had caching to do. This part of the trip was so great with so many old businesses just left there to tor away. I suppose at some time they were all thriving businesses. The day was really sunny so it made it a pleasent day. We did encounter a snow storm on the pass out of Las Vegas towars California but it did not last long.
We completed the Route 66 at about 1700 hours and then drove to Arazona to grab 2 caches there before having supper at a local place near the border. It was a little bar and cafe in Oatman, CA and the food was great. We laughed so loud they thought we were all crazy Canadian, and we were..LOL
After eating we decide to head back to Vegas via Highhway 95 to Kingman then on to Highway 93 which took two hours. A nice pleasant drive back to Vegas arriving at in Vegas at 2100 hours. A very long had day but so wonderful to enjoy it with great company.
We managed to grab about 850 cache finds today. Our biggest day to date. In total we have found over 3300 caches in 6 days. The final numbers are yet to be dertermined..
This trip is the highlight of my Geocaching adventures and had a wonderful time with friends for Campbell River to Victoria and those that live in between.
Bigbluemarble, Postie Bear and crkayker are in the air and myself, JuRuu and Cougar Kid are at the airport leaving and Skadowcaster, Just Leafy and seekandsail leave later today. As we part, I thank all the team for such a great week and help in making my dream come true.

Geocaching My Way of Life...Paulboy

Sunday 10 February 2013

Back to Vegas

Hello All,
We had breakfast this morning and headed out about 0900 hours to do the ET Space Ship and a few other caches in the area. After hiking all that we headed towards Vegas. We did several small power trails on the way as well as a few caches here and there along the way. The weather was great and the roads were snowless all the way. We even got to climb a small rock outcrop 200 feet up, what a great view. We arrived in Vegas about 1730 and booked into the hotel then off to a car wash to detail the cars, it took about 2 hours to do both of them. Then we came back to the hotel to grab supper and it is off to bed because we are leaving here at 0400 to do Route 66 in California. Yesterday and today, we managed to grab about 250 caches each day. One day left.
Thanks for you comments and happy caching to all.
Geocaching My Way of Life- Paulboy 

Saturday 9 February 2013

Much to do about the numbers

Saturaday Feb. 09, 2013
Today was a totally different caching day then the last three. We started out inTonapah with a great breakfast in the local hotel and off we went towards Rachel. We did caches along the way until we reached the Alien Head and then we booked into our hotel and had lunch. We then went out and did a power trail across for the ETHead and then we did the ETHead. We also did a lot of the local caches in Racheal and some at night as well. We did a lot of hiking today and it was a great day for it, not too much wind and the sun was out.
There was a lot of snow in Tonopah but the roads were good so the driving was not a problem. The mountains were full of snow all around us. But once we arrived near Rachel it was all clear.
We all returned to the hotel did a Whereigo, a muli, regular, earth cache, mystery and a puzzle in the dark. A great time had by all.
We are all having supper and setting the route for tomorrow.
As I am getting a little tired now I will cut it short for tonight. Stay tuned for my blog tomorrow night.
Geocaching My Way of Life..Paulboy

Friday 8 February 2013

I had a dream

Friday February 08, 2013
Let me tell you about today, it started at 0600 and we all jumped into the vans and off to breakfast we went but nothing open here at 0600 hours. As we had to gas up we went to the local gas bar where we were offered breakfast cooked by the gas jockey. The out come was better that we though but those that drank coffee were not impressed..
Once we gassed up, off we went to finish off the ETH. We figured we would be about 7 hours as long as all went as planned. The extreme snow warning was issued but we are cachers and a little snow has never stopped us. It ended up being about -10 in the morning and went to the 0 mark through out the day but it snowed at times with heavy winds.. Todays Adventure took us about 300Km's and it was a lot slower than we expected because of the cold and the long distance of travel between some of the roads. On a few of them we had to back track 38 KM's to continue on.
Over all it was a great day with so many laughs and so much fun as the CIA team is really coming together as it should on a great trip like this.
Lots of videos and pictures were taken and there will be a lot of them posted later on when we get home. It has been to hard to log the cache finds as we go along so that is our next big job once we are home as well.
Today brought us only 590 cache finds but we did expect that as it was much slower and the best ever came to be, I had a dream and it came true today. The ET Highway is now complete by Team CIA!!!
We took some great pictures and lots of hugging and cheering, yelling and we all signed the log.
What a great felling it was. In total we have managed to grab 2105 caches in three days, man is that going to be hard to beat next time I go caching for three days. As both other days, many personal records have been broken.
The trip today took us 11 hours in total and on the way back to town it was again way below 0 and heavy winds and snowing like New Brunswick! Our plans may have to be put on hold in the morning if it continues as there is 2 inches of snow on the ground now.
If the roads are good we plan on heading to Rachael to do the ET Head and ET Space ship as well as others.
I will post a new blog tomorrow night if we do not get taken to the mother ship by tractor beam!
Congrats to my little Sis (Indynb) for getting her 300 cache find in NB!
There is a video for you to watch.
Geocaching My Way of Life..Paulboy

watch this video

Thursday 7 February 2013

Good evening fellow cachers and friends. Today was a 0600 hour start again but in Alamo, it takes about an hour for breakfast at a fast food place. Once we ate it was on the road for over an hour to start at ET-626 and off we went. It was sunny but cold with a lot of ice on the water holes and sides of the road.  Once we arrived we had a blast with a quick stop at Racheal for a five minute picture taking session. Then it was off to caching again in our dusty vans. Today was a great day for numbers as we did 5 non ETH caches and 820 ETH caches stopping at ET-1441 before heading back to Toonpah. About noon we had to return to Tonopah to get more gas which took about an hour and a half away from caching. But that is the way it had to be done this trip. We saw a lot of wild horses and cows today and we did not get buzzed by a jet today, man that was loud.
About 40 minutes into caching I was on run duty and when  I returned to the van I jumped in and hit my head on the door and I have been told I was out cold for about 10 + seconds. A quick check by our CIA nurse and a few pills, we were off again.. Nice little bump on my head..
Once we logged out last find for the day it was slightly dark and very cold. After supper we grabbed tow caches in the dark, this was so funny to see nine cachers in a strange town out of country with each a flashlight looking for small caches. It did not take too long before they were in hand.
The hotel manager informed us it may snow tonight and tomorrow with up to 18 incehs of snow. As we are staying here tomorrow it may be winter caching like my kid sis in NB..
We are all having a blast and love the great adventure. The team all get along and laughter is the code of the day.. Stay tuned for tomorrow nights blog.
Geocaching My Way of Life..Paulboy

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Hello from the ET Highway and beyond. We started out about 0620, a little late but off we went and after about an hour and a half later we arrived near GZ for ET-001. We did five caches leading up to ET-001 and got started about 1000 hours at ET-001. It was a great warm day and clear skys. We were four in one van and five in the other. As we began we had drivers, runners and log signers and switched different duties as the day went on. We would stop from time to time to have a break and more laughs as well as food and more laughs. Over all we managed to get to ET-625 by 1700 hours and called it a day as it got cold real fast and the sun was setting. We drove back to Alamo and booked into the Alamo Inn and then gassed up the cars and left the dust inside them for now. The rental company is not going to be happy. We went out to a Mexican restaurant and on the way back we all went out and grabbed one cache here. I wanted to do a few more but everyone is too tired. In total we managed to grab 632 caches today, we hope to do better tomorrow with an early start at 0600 hours. Got to love this caching and so many records broken today for everyone. I will post more tomorrow night..
Geocaching My way of Life...Paulboy

The CIA have landed

It is Tuesday and we have all arrived in good order. Once we picked up the vans and all the members arrived, off we went shopping for supplies and then to the event. The event was a hugh turn out, some from Ontario, and all over the states. Clay4 attended with his ET coins and we gave him a CIA T-shirt. What a blast we had. After the event JuRuu, bigbluemarble and crkakyer went out to do a few caches until after 11pm. It was great to walk around in our T-shirts caching.
We are getting ready to leave for the ETH at 0600 and the start of our adventure..Paulboy

Monday 4 February 2013

CIA are on the move!!

Well today starts the beginning of our CIA Adventure. seekandsail and Just Leafy and Shadowcaster of
The GO! Team are heading out to Vegas today. The rest of us all leave tomorrow morning and by 1700 hours we should have all landed for our delighful entrance to the USA!
Once we arrive in Vegas we will be splitting into two groups, one picking up fellow CIA members and a few of us are off to Walmart to purchase all our supplies for the ETH and beyond. Once all that is done it is off to the event we are hosting. After the event, I think a few of us will take in the lights on the strip and grab a few caches to get us going for the morning.. Stay tuned for more info as we start of in the morning.
Yesterday I filled my full Geocalendar and along with Princess and Cougar Kid we headed off to find the 365/366 challange cache which we found promply. It was a great way to finish off caching here and get ready for the ETH..\
Geocaching My Way of Life..Paulboy