Sunday 20 January 2013


This is my first attempt at setting up a blog and my first post. I will be posting a blog about our CIA adventure and how it came about in a few days with regular updates daily on our adventure. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    This is Indynb Paulboy's younger and most certainly better looking geocaching sister. This here is the fellow responsible for my Geocaching "obsession". Hooked me this summer on my first cache while he was home for our family reunion. I can't thank him enough for introducing me to the game!! I am currently involved in a Province wide "Come Out And Play" contest that runs from Dec. 1st to Mar. 31st. All designed brillinatly to get you out caching and having fun in the winter.

    I like to say "Congrats Paulboy for making this awesome sounding trip a reality"!! Now for some advice for the other CIA cachers.

    1. Don't be fooled, Paulboy is and will be a "General" and I use that term loosely!! Actually I would have chosen the word Dictator, but that's just me!! LOL

    2. Slow down and don't forget to enjoy the natural beautiful all around you!!!!!

    3. Bring pee bottles as I think the "General" won't sacrifice the time and caches lost doing something as foolish as needing to use the washroom. So you better suck it up!!

    and lastly have a blast as I'm sure you will!!!

    I wish I could be there but sadly I cannot. However, there is still time to win the lottery. So, if you here the whoosh, whoosh sounds of rotar blades that's just me landing in my helicoper to join the trip.

    But don't you feel sorry for me I'll be just fine. I get to cache in Northern NB in -39 with the windchill and get to strap on snowshoes just to get a P&G. It's Freakin awesome!!!!! Didn't need those fingers anyway...

    Have fun guysajnd play safe....

    Geocaching: My Obsession
