Sunday 9 July 2017

Della Falls Quest-Day 2

Sleeping in the new SUV proved to to be good, but up a little early. About 0430 Larry and I were up and eating our bagel and cheese. Our boat ride to the trail head was at 0550 and every one was up and ready to go by that time when along comes our water Taxi ride to the trail head about an hour away. The ride on the boat up Great Central Lake at this time of the morning was just beautiful. Although the noise of the 225 horse power out board motor appeared loud at first as it moved us along the lake, it soon seemed to blend in as we looked at the great views of the lake and mountain sides. There were a lot of floating cabins along the was but not a person in view.
After about an hour we arrived at the dock and trail head for the beginning of our 16 KM hike to Della Falls. We unloaded our packs ranging from 32 pounds to about 40 pounds. There is a Geocache at this spot but decided to do it on the way out as there were about 14 hikers sleeping in the trail area.
So packs on and we started our hike on Canada Day to Della Falls. CCC took the lead in the beginning as he was our team leader for Della Falls Quest 2017.
The start of the trail was excellent, the sun was shinning at it's best and we moved at a good but steady pace. As we moved on we encountered a lot of dried up or running active streams we had to cross on our way to the cable car crossing.
Once we arrived at the cable car we decided to take a break and have some lunch for a short time. Two groups behind us caught up and there were many hikers on the other side as well wanting to cross to our side. Once we finished our break everyone from both sides helped each other pull on the ropes, two hikers and two packs at the time. It was pretty quick be we had enough time to enjoy the the views below. The rushing waters were loud and fast. The color of the water was sort of green. The water was very cold but a nice way to cool off any tired feet as many hikers did.
At this point the trail changed considerable and begin to test our abilities, it was up and down, not as wide, up and over large trees and rocks and a lot of river beds with a lot of running water from time to time.
After several hours and beginning to get very tired, sore feet, a large patch of snow appeared on the trail for a short distance but the best part was that we could see the falls in the distance. A little of yelling and using some of the snow to cool us down. Little did we know our hike was far from over.
Our hike continued becoming even harder for some of  us, I think the packs had a lot to do with it.
After hiking for a little over 7 1/2 hours including a few breaks we arrived at the saw blade camp site. We thought we might stay here as we were exhausted  but we decided to move closer to the falls which was about another short KM. We begin to see that all the camp sites were full, Canadian flags flying and we were so proud to have arrived at Della Falls.
Once we crossed the bridge, and we were all looking for a site to accommodate 3 tents, CCC found one off the beaten track and just down the bank was water.
We started to set up camp and after 8 hours and just snack type food all day, supper was in order. We all cooked a meal and refueled. We were so hungry and it is amazing what freeze dried meals taste like, words like, the best, excellent and so good.
As the tents were already up, fires were not allowed, I decided to have a short nap, getting old I guess.
Then we all got ready to do the short hike up to the base of the falls. I am sure there are many words to describe these falls, the highest in Canada as well as being here on Canada's days 150th birthday but I think I would say it is life changing. We were 6 to 8 meters where the water hit the rocks, the cold mist soaking us as we stood in awe. The noise was ever so load yet it felt like being in a trance as I watched the water flow to the rocks.
After some time, we headed back to the camp for what ever hot we had, tea, coffee or hot chocolate.
We sat around talking about our hike in as if it was nothing, laughing about it sort of but when I think back it was a good hike with good people despite the distance and difficulties we encountered  weather it be personal or as a group.
I believe this is the best Canada Day in my life, despite not having my beautiful wife with me. It was nature at it's best, a waterfall that is higher than any other other in out great country and having to hike a good distance with good friends to see it.
Tomorrow will bring a better view of all of the falls from the look out and certainly looking forward to it. Paulboy

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Della falls Quest-2017

As we prepare for our hike to Della Fall in the morning, 150 Canada Day, it has taken some work to get prepared.
First it was getting everything ready, food, tent, clothes, first aid and every thing one would need for a three day hike to the falls. I packed, unpacked and packed three times trying to get my total weight of my pack and supplies from 37 + pounds down to 30 pounds. Then there was the two 10 km hikes, first with the 37 pound pack, way to heavy then after removing more do not need items, a final hike to test it all out. Some how I feel that my little 10 KM training hikes will not be the same as the hike to the falls.
It is noon on the 30th June I head off to Port Alberni to meet up with Landchatch for some caching before meeting up at Boston Pizza at 1900 hours for our last real supper.
But one does not go to PA without stopping at the great Coombs Wooden Shoes for a chat and some candy but this time I did not get any as the extra weight, well you know.
Landshatch and I managed to get 22 caches.
We met up with CCC, Autumn Rain, Done21 & Islander54 for the last supper, always a lot of laughs and wondering what the hike will be like tomorrow. So many stories about the 16 KM hike to the falls.
After supper a few more caches, then off the the boat ramp area where we all settled in sleeping along side the road in our trucks, camper and SUV's.
As our day comes to a close we await morning to begin out hike.
Our first day will be posted later. Paulboy