Thursday 28 November 2013

Winter Update

I think it is time for an update and get the blog on the road again. It has been a great summer and fall with a lot of caching up and down the Island. A lot of caching on the Geohonda's and mountain bikes.
We even did a group trip to Twassawan to do some caching on the dykes. Had a blast and a great day for it. We managed to get 99 that day and put on over 30 KM's on the bikes. This last month has slowed down in the numbers but getting some great caches , that are out of the way in the hills, lots of great hiking. We even hiked in the hills of Port Renfrew last Sunday in 4 to 8 inches of snow, hard packed. It was a great day for it.
Our Vegas trip is now in place for 2014 and a group of 8 cachers are now ready to go. There are 4 from last years trip, Myself, JuRuu, Cougar Kid & Crkayaker. We have 4 new cachers joining us this year,  Sheesh695, Classictwo, Bornwild62 & Losthiker. This year we changed the name to 8-IC (8-Island Cachers). We are all booked and ready to go. We intend to complete the new addition to the ET Hwy series and some new power trails and off to California to do some power trails as well. We are having an event in Ladysmith as a send off, one in Vegas the night we arrive and one in Needles, CA and Barstow, Ca as well. A good way to meet local cachers and anyone that may be travelling in the area. Next week I will be posting all the event GC #'s. We are leaving for Vegas on the 21st Feb. and returning home on Mar. 02, 2014. Stay tuned for more up dates soon.
Geocaching My Way of Life..Paulboy